:1 Spiritual Anatomy - Part 3 Session 5
2/26/2017SPIRITUALANATOMYPart 3Jim McGowan, Th.D.Sugar Land Bible ChurchFeb. 26, 2017This presentation was compiled using excerpts from the Complete Works of Miles J. Stanford, resources obtained from Duluth Bible Church’s website, and resources obtained from Pastor Vern Peterman, Holly Hills Bible Church – Used with permission.Dr, Jim McGowan
2 Spiritual Anatomy - Part 3 Session 5
2/26/2017Who We Were……………..Who We Are……………….Who We Are Becoming…….Dr, Jim McGowan
3 Spiritual Anatomy - Part 3 Session 5
2/26/2017Session 5 OutlineSpiritual Anatomy Part 3Review Session 4 ConceptsPhysical Realm vs. Spiritual RealmIntroductionMisunderstanding TermsCorrectly Understanding TermsSpiritual Realm vs. Physical RealmThe 5 Senses – A Biblical AnalogyProper Nourishment For GrowthReview and SummationSession 5 OutlineDr, Jim McGowan
4 Spiritual Anatomy - Part 3 Session 5
2/26/2017SPIRITUALANATOMYDr, Jim McGowan
5 Spiritual Anatomy - Part 3 Session 5
2/26/2017Dr, Jim McGowan
6 Spiritual Anatomy - Part 3 Session 5
2/26/2017Identification SynonymsThe word ‘identification’ is a convenient ‘handle’ for what Scripture teaches, but the actual words used to convey this biblical truth include:In- being placed entirely in, so as to share an identityWith- intimately joined in action and consequenceTogether with United with (Rom. 6)- as above, with ‘together’ underscoring the same identity & action- ‘united’ implies a oneness, so a spiritual oneness is communicatedBaptized into (Rom. 6; Col)- ‘baptized’ means to be immersed or entirely placed into, so as to be permanently changed by that immersion or entire placementIdentification SynonymsThe word ‘identification’ is a convenient ‘handle’ for what the Scripture teaches, but the actual words used to convey this biblical truth include:In - being placed entirely in, so as to share an identityWith - intimately joined in action and consequenceTogether with - as above, with ‘together’ underscoring the same identity & actionUnited with (Rom. 6) - ‘united’ implies a oneness, so a spiritual oneness is communicatedBaptized into (Rom. 6; Col) - ‘baptized’ means to be immersed or entirely placed into, so as to be permanently changed by that immersion or placementDr, Jim McGowan
7 Spiritual Anatomy - Part 3 Session 5
2/26/2017Death is SeparationGod also used the ‘death is separation’ principle graciously and for our benefit, when we were identified with Christ in His death, then with His burial and resurrection:Rom. 6:1-11dead to sin, alive to ChristRom. 7:1-6death releases from marriage; died to the Law, joined to Christ2 Cor. 5:14-15dead to ourselves, alive to ChristGal. 2:19- 20died to the Law, to live to GodCol. 2:20died with Christ to the elementary principles of the worldCol. 3:5, 20dead to sin, died with Christ to the worldDeath is Separation - “Death is Separation” is bad news, unless it is good news!Rom. 6: dead to sin (sin nature), alive to ChristRom. 7:1-6 - died to the Law, joined to Christ2 Cor. 5: dead to ourselves, alive to ChristGal. 2: died to the Law, to live to GodCol. 2:20 - died with Christ to the elementary principles of the worldCol. 3:5, 20 - dead to sin, died with Christ to the worldDr, Jim McGowan
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2/26/2017The Key Biblical Principles SummarizedIdentification joins us…Death separates us…Our Identification with death joins us to that death; that death separates us.Dr, Jim McGowan
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2/26/2017The Key Biblical Principles SummarizedIn AdamIn ChristJoined toOld Man, Sin Nature, Adam’s History, Trio of enemies – World, Flesh, Devil, Satan’s AuthorityNew Man, New Nature, Christ’s History, righteousness, Life. Different Future! (Short Term Good or Bad; Long Term – Bright)Separated FromSeparated From – ChristOld Man, Adam’s History, the World, Devil. The Sin Nature no longer has the claim over us that it had.The Key Biblical Principles SummarizedIn AdamJoined To – Old Man, Sin Nature, Adam’s History, Trio of enemies – World, Flesh, Devil, Satan’s AuthoritySeparated From – Christ,In ChristJoined To – New Man, New Nature, Christ’s History, Christ’s righteousness, Christ’s Life, Different Future! (Short Term Good or Bad; Long Term – Bright)Separated From – Old Man, Sin Nature (no longer has the claim over us that it had), Adam’s History, World, Devil,“Separation From” does not mean annihilation or extermination! The devil is still here, as is the sin nature, and the world. Discuss those who teach the annihilation of the sin nature – use Iraq and Afghanistan as examples. Send soldiers there and tell them there is no enemy. In order for God to remove us from the presence of sin, He would have to kill us because we must have a new body to complete the entire process.Dr, Jim McGowan
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2/26/2017Why is this important?There are at least two areas of application that touch directly upon what God is doing in the life of the believer:The primary manner of dealing with the Sin Nature comes about because we were identified with Christ (Rom. 6:1-14).Why is this important?There are at least two areas of application that touch directly upon what God is doing in the life of the believer:The primary manner of dealing with the Sin Nature comes about because we were identified with Christ (Rom. 6:1-14).Romans 6:11 (KJV) - Likewise reckon ye also yourselves to be dead indeed unto sin, but alive unto God through Jesus Christ our Lord.Even so reckon ye also yourselves to be dead unto sin……but alive unto God in Christ Jesus (Rom. 6:11 KJV).Dr, Jim McGowan
11 Spiritual Anatomy - Part 3 Session 5
2/26/2017Why is this important?The changes in our “Continuing Person” as we walk dead to the Sin Nature and alive to God are in the direction of Christ (ongoing processes - conformed, transformed, growing, maturing, being sanctified, etc.).Why is this important?There is actual spiritual change taking place in the Continuity of Person! (The essential you). There are things that remain the same through the radical spiritual transition of the new birth:The human body – all that goes with it and identifies that body.One’s personal identity and earthly relationships.One’s personal characteristics, including likes and dislikes.One’s earthly skills and knowledge.The process is all in the direction of Christ…we do not have some vague notion of how to be better people and we are not heading in some vague direction. We’re not even trying to be a good person or Christ-like. God, Himself IS carrying out these processes in each believer and it’s directed toward a Person – Christ. God is not just trying to vaguely change our character. It is all toward Christ. The end being that we will be like Christ when we see Him as He is.That’s where all this is headed. And that’s why we need to see that, “EVERTHING THAT HAPPENS TO US, IN US, AND AROUND US IS PART OF GOD’S PROCESS TO ACCOMPLISH HIS PROCESSES.” It’s all to conform us, to transform us, into the image of His Son.Dr, Jim McGowan
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2/26/2017Session 5 OutlineSpiritual Anatomy Part 3Review Session 4 ConceptsPhysical Realm vs. Spiritual RealmIntroductionMisunderstanding TermsCorrectly Understanding TermsSpiritual Realm vs. Physical RealmThe 5 Senses – A Biblical Analogy*Proper Nourishment For GrowthReview and SummationSession 5 OutlineDr, Jim McGowan
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2/26/2017Physical Realmvs.SPIRITUAL REALMDr, Jim McGowan
14 Spiritual Anatomy - Part 3 Session 5
2/26/2017INTRODUCTIONWe have been examining what the Bible says about the ‘Spiritual Anatomy’ of human beings – unbelievers and believers.Thus far, we have made little mention of the physical body focusing mostly on the general spiritual aspects of the Church Age believer (those saved from Acts 2 until the Rapture).INTRODUCTIONWe have been examining what the Bible says about the ‘Spiritual Anatomy’ of human beings – unbelievers and believers.Thus far, we have made little mention of the physical body focusing mostly on the general spiritual aspects of the Church Age believer (those saved from Acts 2 until the Rapture).Dr, Jim McGowan
15 Spiritual Anatomy - Part 3 Session 5
2/26/2017INTRODUCTIONWe will now turn our attention to a more complete discussion of the spiritual aspects and physical aspects in each individual, believer or unbeliever.Correctly distinguishing these categories is essential if we hope to have a proper understanding of our topic: ‘Who were we - Who we are - Who are we becoming.’INTRODUCTIONWe will now turn our attention to a more complete discussion of the spiritual aspects and physical aspects in each individual, believer or unbeliever.Correctly distinguishing these categories is essential if we hope to have a proper understanding of our topic: ‘Who were we - Who are we - Who are we becoming.’Dr, Jim McGowan
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2/26/2017Session 5 OutlineSpiritual Anatomy Part 3Review Session 4 ConceptsPhysical Realm vs. Spiritual RealmIntroductionMisunderstanding TermsCorrectly Understanding TermsSpiritual Realm vs. Physical RealmThe 5 Senses – A Biblical Analogy*Proper Nourishment For GrowthReview and SummationSession 5 OutlineDr, Jim McGowan
17 Spiritual Anatomy - Part 3 Session 5
2/26/2017MISUNDERSTANDING TERMSThere is some theological debate regarding what constitutes the ‘physical’ and ‘spiritual’ aspects, of mankind. With some variation the two positions are: Man is two parts (body, and soul-spirit; dichotomy).Man is three parts (body, soul, and spirit; trichotomy).This is an in-house debate and there are good, godly, men in each camp. The position from which I will be working is the later, trichotomy position.The most common passage used to support the trichotomy position is 1 Thess. 5:23.MISUNDERSTANDING TERMSThere is some theological debate regarding what constitutes the ‘physical’ and ‘spiritual’ aspects, of mankind. With some variation the two positions are: Man is two parts (body, and soul-spirit; dichotomy).Man is three parts (body, soul, and spirit; trichotomy).This is an in-house debate and there are good, godly, men in each camp. The position I will be working from is the later, trichotomy position.The most common passage used to support the trichotomy position is 1 Thess. 5:23.Dr, Jim McGowan
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2/26/20171 Thess. 5:23Now may the God of peace Himself sanctify you entirely; and may your spirit and soul and body be preserved complete, without blame at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.Dr, Jim McGowan
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2/26/2017MISUNDERSTANDING TERMSThe primary reason for disagreement, (regarding the terms spirit, soul, and body), is a failure to acknowledge that they are not always employed with ‘scientific, technical, precision’ – i.e., in poetic contexts, where ‘soul’ and ‘spirit’ are often used as synonyms.Job 7:11I will speak in the anguish of my spirit, I will complain in the bitterness of my soul.Isaiah 26:9At night my soul longs for You, Indeed, my spirit within me seeks You diligently;MISUNDERSTANDING TERMSThe primary reason for disagreement, (regarding the terms spirit, soul, and body), is a failure to acknowledge that they are not always employed with ‘scientific precision’ – i.e., in poetic contexts, where ‘soul’ and ‘spirit’ are often used as synonyms. Job 7:11I will speak in the anguish of my spirit,I will complain in the bitterness of my soul. Isaiah 26:9At night my soul longs for You,Indeed, my spirit within me seeks You diligently;Dr, Jim McGowan
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2/26/2017MISUNDERSTANDING TERMSTo add to the confusion, some poetic contexts make body and soul appear as synonyms. Psalm 44:25For our soul has sunk down into the dust; Our body cleaves to the earth.Syntactically, instead of synonyms, the author’s intent here may actually be:to use ‘soul’ and ‘body’ to represent two halves of a whole, or,that the word ‘soul’ here is to be taken to mean living being.MISUNDERSTANDING TERMSTo add to the confusion, some poetic contexts make body and soul appear as synonyms, as in:Psalm 44:25For our soul has sunk down into the dust;Our body cleaves to the earth.Syntactically, instead of synonyms, the author’s intent here may actually be:to use ‘soul’ and ‘body’ to represent two halves of a whole, orthat the word ‘soul’ here is to be taken to mean living being.Dr, Jim McGowan
21 Spiritual Anatomy - Part 3 Session 5
2/26/2017MISUNDERSTANDING TERMSIt also seems that there are times when the word ‘soul’ conveys more of the idea of physical function such as possessing the breath of life in the physical sense, rather than focusing on the spiritual aspects of the soul, as in Genesis 2:7MISUNDERSTANDING TERMSIt also seems that there are times when the word ‘soul’ conveys more of the idea of physical function such as possessing the breath of life in the physical sense, rather than focusing on the spiritual aspects of the soul, as in Genesis 2:7Dr, Jim McGowan
22 Spiritual Anatomy - Part 3 Session 5
2/26/2017Genesis 2:7And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul (KJV; living being – NASB)Dr, Jim McGowan
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2/26/2017Session 5 OutlineSpiritual Anatomy Part 3Review Session 4 ConceptsPhysical Realm vs. Spiritual RealmIntroductionMisunderstanding TermsCorrectly Understanding TermsSpiritual Realm vs. Physical RealmThe 5 Senses – A Biblical Analogy*Proper Nourishment For GrowthReview and SummationSession 5 OutlineDr, Jim McGowan
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2/26/2017CORRECTLY UNDERSTANDING TERMSBiblically, the words ‘soul’ and ‘heart’ can vary in definition according to context and can embrace both spiritual and physical aspects. So there is a place in some contexts for understanding a difference in meaning between the words ‘soul’ and ‘spirit’ as already noted in 1 Thess. 5:23, but note also Heb. 4:12: CORRECTLY UNDERSTANDING TERMSBiblically, the words ‘soul’ and ‘heart’ can vary in definition according to context and can embrace both spiritual and physical aspects. So there is a place for understanding a difference in meaning between the words ‘soul’ and ‘spirit’ as already noted in 1 Thess. 5:23, but note also Hebrews 4:12: Dr, Jim McGowan
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2/26/2017Hebrews 4:12For the word of God is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword, and piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart.Hebrews 4:12 - For the word of God is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword, and piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart.Dr, Jim McGowan
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2/26/2017CORRECTLY UNDERSTANDING TERMSUnquestionably, Hebrews 4:12 presumes a distinction between the terms ‘soul’ and ‘spirit,’ a fact which is unmistakable given the use of the figure of speech ‘joins and marrow’, and ‘heart’, which are drawn from man’s physical anatomy.CORRECTLY UNDERSTANDING TERMSUnquestionably, Hebrews 4:12 presumes a distinction between the terms ‘soul’ and ‘spirit,’ a fact which is unmistakable given the use of the figure of speech ‘joins and marrow’, and ‘heart’., which are drawn from man’s physical anatomy.Dr, Jim McGowan
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2/26/2017Session 5 OutlineSpiritual Anatomy Part 3Review Session 4 ConceptsPhysical Realm vs. Spiritual RealmIntroductionMisunderstanding TermsCorrectly Understanding TermsSpiritual Realm vs. Physical RealmThe 5 Senses – A Biblical Analogy*Proper Nourishment For GrowthReview and SummationSession 5 OutlineDr, Jim McGowan
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2/26/2017Spiritual Realm vs. Physical RealmGod made man as a created physical and spiritual being on the 6th day of creation.Gen. 1:26; 2:726 And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness;…2:7 And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being.Spiritual Realm vs. Physical Realm – RecapGod made man as a created physical and spiritual being on the 6th day of creation.Dr, Jim McGowan
29 Spiritual Anatomy - Part 3 Session 5
2/26/2017Spiritual Realm vs. Physical RealmThis diagram illustrates the physical realm, created by God (Gen. 1), and the spiritual realm, (the eternal present, the realm in which God dwells).Spiritual Realm vs. Physical RealmThis diagram illustrates the physical realm, created by God (Gen. 1), and the spiritual realm, the eternal present, the realm in which God dwells.Dr, Jim McGowan
30 Spiritual Anatomy - Part 3 Session 5
2/26/2017Spiritual Realm vs. Physical RealmThe Brain is a component part of the Body serving as the interface with the Physical.Spiritual Realm vs. Physical RealmThe Brain is a component part of the Body and is the interface with the Physical Realm Side.The Soul is a component part of the Spirit and is the interface with the Spiritual Realm Side.The Soul is a component part of the Spirit serving as the interface with the Spiritual.Dr, Jim McGowan
31 Spiritual Anatomy - Part 3 Session 5
2/26/2017Spiritual Realm vs. Physical RealmHebrews 4:12 strongly implies a difference between the two spiritual aspects (soul and spirit) of the human being and both these aspects exists in the spiritual realm.The brain and soul are the mutual interfaces of the human being, the brain in the physical realm, and the soul in the spiritual realm.Just as the body interfaces with and interacts with the physical realm, the spirit of a person interfaces with and interacts with the spiritual realm.Spiritual Realm vs. Physical Realm– RecapHebrews 4:12 strongly implies a difference between the two spiritual aspects (soul and spirit) of the human being and both these aspects exists in the spiritual realm.The brain and soul are the mutual interfaces of the human being, the brain in the physical realm, and the soul in the spiritual realm.Just as the body interfaces with and interacts with the physical realm, the spirit of a person interfaces with and interacts with the spiritual realm.But Scripture has many more insights to provide for us regarding this understanding of the various aspects of a person, both in the physical realm and the spiritual realm.Dr, Jim McGowan
32 Spiritual Anatomy - Part 3 Session 5
2/26/2017Spiritual Realm vs. Physical RealmThis diagram illustrates the Brain on the Physical Realm Side and the Soul on the Spiritual Realm Side.Both the Brain on the Physical Realm Side and the Soul on the Spiritual Realm Side have aspects of Mind, Emotions, and Will.Spiritual Realm vs. Physical RealmThis diagram illustrates the Brain on the Physical Realm Side and the Soul on the Spiritual Realm Side.Both the Brain on the Physical Realm Side and the Soul on the Spiritual Realm Side have aspects of Mind, Emotions, and Will.Dr, Jim McGowan
33 Spiritual Anatomy - Part 3 Session 5
2/26/2017Spiritual Realm vs. Physical RealmPhysical Realm Side of Mind = Sympathetic mental thinking (subconscious – reaction to stress - trainable).Spiritual Realm vs. Physical RealmPhysical Realm Side of Mind = Sympathetic mental thinking (subconscious – reaction to stress - trainable).Spiritual Realm Side of Mind = Sympathetic mental thinking (subconscious - reaction to sin - trainable).Spiritual Realm Side of Mind = Sympathetic mental thinking (subconscious - reaction to sin - trainable).Dr, Jim McGowan
34 Spiritual Anatomy - Part 3 Session 5
2/26/2017Spiritual Realm vs. Physical RealmPhysical Realm Side of Emotions = Influenced and affected by physical forces hunger, pain, hormones, blood sugar levels, etc.Spiritual Realm vs. Physical RealmPhysical Realm Side of Emotions = Influenced and affected by physical forces hunger, pain, hormones, blood sugar levels, etc.Spiritual Realm Side of Emotions = Influenced and affected by spiritual forces – conviction of sin, meditation and reflection upon the Word, prayer, spiritual warfare, etc.Spiritual Realm Side of Emotions = Influenced and affected by spiritual forces – conviction of sin, meditation and reflection upon the Word, prayer, spiritual warfare, etc.Dr, Jim McGowan
35 Spiritual Anatomy - Part 3 Session 5
2/26/2017Spiritual Realm vs. Physical RealmPhysical Realm Side of Will = When we make decisions solely based upon what our physical senses tell us.Spiritual Realm vs. Physical RealmPhysical Realm Side of Will = When we make decisions solely based upon what our physical senses tell us.Spiritual Realm Side of Will = When we make decisions based upon what we understand to be the truth. What we see spiritually impacts our decisions.Spiritual Realm Side of Will = When we make decisions based upon what we understand to be the truth. What we see spiritually impacts our decisions.Dr, Jim McGowan
36 Spiritual Anatomy - Part 3 Session 5
2/26/2017Spiritual Realm vs. Physical RealmSpiritual Realm vs. Physical RealmBoth the brain and the soul have aspects of mind, emotions and will. As the mind, emotions and will of the brain are impacted by things in the Physical Realm, (including the body), so the mind, emotions and will of the soul are impacted by things in the Spiritual Realm, (including the spirit of the person).Both the brain and the soul have aspects of mind, emotions and will. As the mind, emotions and will of the brain are impacted by things in the Physical Realm, (including the body), so the mind, emotions and will of the soul are impacted by things in the Spiritual Realm, (including the spirit of the person).Dr, Jim McGowan
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2/26/2017Spiritual Realm vs. Physical RealmAccording to Heb. 4:12, where does God’s Word actually touch us?Hebrews 4:12For the word of God is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword, …and piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit…Spiritual Realm vs. Physical RealmAccording to Heb. 4:12, where does God’s Word actually touch us?It goes that deep.Dr, Jim McGowan
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2/26/2017Spiritual Realm vs. Physical Realm2 Tim. 3:16-17Heb. 4:1216 All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; 17 so that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work.For the word of God is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword, and piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow…God’s Word originates in the Spiritual Realm but He created a document (the Bible) in the Physical Realm.The Bible impacts us first in the Physical Realm by reaching the Brain then…The Holy Spirit directs God’s Word into the depths of the Spiritual Realm of our being where it profoundly impacts our soul and spirit.Spiritual Realm vs. Physical RealmWhen taken together, 2 Tim. 3:16-17 and Heb. 4:12, reveal that the Bible, a book in the Physical Realm, inspired by God from the Spiritual Realm, is to be read and heard in the Physical Realm to impact people in the Spiritual Realm so deeply as to divide even between soul and spirit.Have You Considered…God’s Word originates in the Spiritual Realm but He created a document (the Bible) in the Physical Realm.The Bible impacts us first in the Physical Realm by reaching the Brain then…The Holy Spirit directs God’s Word into the depths of the Spiritual Realm of our being where it profoundly impacts our soul and spirit.Isn’t God is Amazing?!Dr, Jim McGowan
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2/26/2017Spiritual Realm vs. Physical RealmRomans 11:33Oh, the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are His judgments and unfathomable His ways!Spiritual Realm vs. Physical RealmDr, Jim McGowan
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2/26/2017Spiritual Realm vs. Physical RealmFor unbelievers, that impact is for salvation…Spiritual Realm vs. Physical RealmFor unbelievers, that impact is for salvation…Dr, Jim McGowan
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2/26/2017Spiritual Realm vs. Physical RealmFor believers, that impact is for a number of God ordained processes that continue until we see Christ face to face.ConformingTransformingGrowth and maturitySpiritual Realm vs. Physical RealmFor believers, that impact is for a number of God ordained processes that continue until we see Christ face to face, including God’s processes of:ConformingTransformingGrowth & MaturitySanctificationSanctificationDr, Jim McGowan
42 Spiritual Anatomy - Part 3 Session 5
2/26/2017Spiritual Realm vs. Physical RealmSo how’s your physical side handling all this new information?Spiritual Realm vs. Physical RealmSo how’s your physical side handling all this new information?Take a deep breath, we’re almost done!Dr, Jim McGowan
43 Spiritual Anatomy - Part 3 Session 5
2/26/2017Have You Ever Considered…?Physicians prescribe medications that impact people on the physical side. But, can anything prescribed by the Physician directly impact the spiritual realm?Have You Ever Considered…?Physicians prescribe medications that impact people on the physical side. But, can anything prescribed by the Physician directly impact the spiritual realm?Only God’s Word affects the spiritual realm because it reaches a depth that nothing else can reach.Only God’s Word affects the spiritual realm because it reaches a depth that nothing else can reach.Dr, Jim McGowan
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2/26/2017Session 5 OutlineSpiritual Anatomy Part 3Review Session 4 ConceptsPhysical Realm vs. Spiritual RealmIntroductionMisunderstanding TermsCorrectly Understanding TermsSpiritual Realm vs. Physical RealmThe 5 Senses – A Biblical Analogy*Proper Nourishment For GrowthReview and SummationSession 5 Outline*An analogy explains an idea or thing by comparing it to something that is familiar; a comparison between two things, typically for the purpose of explanation or clarification.Dr, Jim McGowan
45 Spiritual Anatomy - Part 3 Session 5
2/26/2017The 5 Senses – A Biblical Analogy*We have 5 interactive senses in the physical realm…The 5 Senses – A Biblical AnalogyIn the same way that we have five senses in the physical realm, Scripture says we have the ‘analog’ of these five in the spiritual realm.… but Scripture signifies that we also have the ‘analog’ of these 5 senses in the spiritual realm.Dr, Jim McGowan
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2/26/2017The 5 Senses – A Biblical Analogy*TouchGen. 32:24–25: …[God] touched the socket of [Jacob’s] thigh…TastePsalm 34:8a: O taste and see that the Lord is good…SmellAmos 5:21: I hate, I despise your feast days, And I will not smell in your solemn assemblies. (cf. 2 Cor. 2:15–16)Sight2 Cor. 4:3–4: 3 And even if our gospel is veiled, it is veiled to those who are perishing, 4 in whose case the god of this world has blinded the minds of the unbelieving so that they might not see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God. (cf. Ezekiel 12:2; Matt. 23:16–20; John 9:39–41; John 12:38–41; Rom. 2:17–20; Rom. 11:7–9; 2 Cor. 3:14; Eph. 1:18)HearingRom. 11:8: just as it is written, “God gave them a spirit of stupor, Eyes to see not and Ears to hear not, Down to this very day.”The 5 Senses – A Biblical AnalogyDr, Jim McGowan
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2/26/2017The 5 Senses – A Biblical Analogy*The preceding passages clearly indicate that there is an “equivalent correlation” between the 5 senses in the Spiritual Realm and the 5 senses in the Physical Realm.Contextually, Scripture often uses physical body parts to refer to the deepest part of man’s being – bowels, kidneys, joint and marrow, and heart (sometimes used for the spiritual side [soul and spirit] and the physical side – brain’s activity in thinking and emotion, and will), etc.The 5 Senses – A Biblical AnalogyThe preceding passages indicate that there is an equivalent correlation between the 5 senses in the Spiritual Realm and the 5 senses in the Physical Realm.Contextually, Scripture often uses physical body parts to refer to the deepest part of man’s being – bowels, kidneys, joint and marrow, and heart (sometimes used for the spiritual side [soul and spirit] and the physical side – brain’s activity in thinking and emotion, and will), etc.Heart and Mind are not equivalent because it is too restrictive in that it deals primarily with memory and thought processes.Dr, Jim McGowan
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2/26/2017The 5 Senses – A Biblical Analogy*While people can be diminished, distorted or nonfunctional in one or more of their physical senses, (my brother was born blind),……Scripture reveals that the believer’s spiritual senses can likewise be diminished, distorted or nonfunctional in the spiritual realm.The 5 Senses – A Biblical AnalogyWhile people can be diminished, distorted or nonfunctional in one or more of their physical senses, (my brother was born blind), Scripture reveals that the believer’s spiritual senses can likewise be diminished, distorted or nonfunctional in the spiritual realm.Dr, Jim McGowan
49 Spiritual Anatomy - Part 3 Session 5
2/26/2017The 5 Senses – A Biblical Analogy*The 5 Senses – A Biblical AnalogyBut, God’s perfect plan is for believers to operate in the full capacity of their spiritual senses.But, God’s perfect plan is for believers to operate in the full capacity of their spiritual senses.Dr, Jim McGowan
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2/26/2017The 5 Senses – A Biblical Analogy*Deu. 18:10–1210 “There shall not be found among you …one who uses divination, one who practices witchcraft, or one who interprets omens, or a sorcerer, 11 or one who casts a spell, or a medium, or a spiritist, or one who calls up the dead “For whoever does these things is detestable to the Lord…The 5 Senses – A Biblical AnalogySorry Haley, there is no sixth sense…Dr, Jim McGowan
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2/26/2017Session 5 OutlineSpiritual Anatomy Part 3Review Session 4 ConceptsPhysical Realm vs. Spiritual RealmIntroductionMisunderstanding TermsCorrectly Understanding TermsSpiritual Realm vs. Physical RealmThe 5 Senses – A Biblical AnalogyProper Nourishment For GrowthReview and SummationSession 5 OutlineDr, Jim McGowan
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2/26/2017Proper Nourishment For GrowthAnother aspect of the correlation between the Spiritual and Physical Realms relates to proper nourishment for growth.Just as there is appropriate physical food based upon our varying levels of physical maturity; there is similarly appropriate ‘spiritual food’ (Scripture), based upon the believer’s varying levels of spiritual maturity.Proper Nourishment For GrowthAnother aspect of the correlation between the Spiritual and Physical Realms relates to proper nourishment for growth.Just as there is appropriate physical food based upon our varying levels of physical maturity; there is similarly appropriate ‘spiritual food’ (Scripture), based upon the believer’s varying levels of spiritual maturity.Dr, Jim McGowan
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2/26/2017Proper Nourishment For GrowthProper Nourishment For GrowthDr, Jim McGowan
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2/26/2017Proper Nourishment For GrowthProper Nourishment For GrowthJust as there is an appropriate physical food for varying levels of physical maturity, Scripture is presented to believers as ‘spiritual food’, with appropriate food for varying levels of spiritual maturity.Dr, Jim McGowan
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2/26/2017Session 5 OutlineSpiritual Anatomy Part 3Review Session 4 ConceptsPhysical Realm vs. Spiritual RealmIntroductionMisunderstanding TermsCorrectly Understanding TermsSpiritual Realm vs. Physical RealmThe 5 Senses – A Biblical AnalogyProper Nourishment For GrowthReview and SummationSession 5 OutlineDr, Jim McGowan
56 Spiritual Anatomy - Part 3 Session 5
2/26/2017Review and SummationThere are several key insights regarding what God is doing in the life of the believer to be gleaned from the charts and text below.Review and SummationThere are several key insights regarding what God is doing in the life of the believer to be gleaned from the charts and text below.Dr, Jim McGowan
57 Spiritual Anatomy - Part 3 Session 5
2/26/2017Review and SummationThe Bible says that God, who dwells in the eternal present in the Spiritual Realm (John 8:58), is the basis of and the origin of the Physical Realm.All spiritual error of whatever degree is based in misunderstanding of, or denial of the existence of the Spiritual Realm and/or the relationship of the Physical Realm to the Spiritual Realm.Review and SummationKey Insights The Bible says that God, who dwells in the eternal present in the spiritual realm (John 8:58), is the basis of and the origin of the physical realm.All spiritual error of whatever degree is based in misunderstanding of or denial of the existence of the spiritual realm or the relationship of the physical to the spiritual realm.Dr, Jim McGowan
58 Spiritual Anatomy - Part 3 Session 5
2/26/2017Review and SummationWhen the Bible says that the unbeliever is spiritually dead, it is not saying that the unbeliever has no spirit or soul, but rather that the unbeliever’s spirit and soul are separated from God – biblically, to be separated from God is spiritually death.Review and SummationKey InsightsWhen the Bible says that the unbeliever is spiritually dead, it is not saying that the unbeliever has no spirit or soul, but rather that the unbeliever’s spirit and soul are separated from God – biblically, to be separated from God is spiritually death.Dr, Jim McGowan
59 Spiritual Anatomy - Part 3 Session 5
2/26/2017Review and SummationPhysical death takes place when the physical body stops functioning and the soul and spirit are separated from the physical body in death.Ultimately, as believers, our soul and spirit are joined to a new body like Christ’s resurrection body at the Rapture. That body will not have a Sin Nature associated with it.Review and SummationPhysical death takes place when the physical body stops functioning and the soul and spirit are separated from the physical body in death.Ultimately, as believers, our soul and spirit are joined to a new body like Christ’s resurrection body at the Rapture. That body will not have a Sin Nature associated with it.Dr, Jim McGowan
60 Spiritual Anatomy - Part 3 Session 5
2/26/2017Review and SummationThe New Body freed from the influence of the Sin Nature is Paul’s desire for the Thessalonian believers.1 Thess. 5:23Now may the God of peace Himself sanctify you entirely; and may your spirit and soul and body be preserved complete, without blame at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.Review and SummationThis is the complete fulfillment of Paul’s desire for the believers, as expressed in 1 Thess. 5:23.Dr, Jim McGowan
61 Spiritual Anatomy - Part 3 Session 5
2/26/2017Review and SummationThe appeal to believers is to have a continuous ingesting of appropriate spiritual nourishment (God’s Word), so as to be impacted spiritually and then to then impact others.The various dietary characteristics of physical nourishment provide a type or pattern with spiritual nourishment; appropriateness for a specific stage of maturity, quantity, quality, timing and frequency, etc. (1 Cor. 3:1; 14:20; Eph. 4:12, 13, 14; Heb. 5:13, 14; 1 Pet. 2:2; 1 John 2:13).Review and SummationThe appeal to believers is to have a continuous ingesting of appropriate spiritual nourishment (God’s Word), so as to be impacted spiritually.The various dietary characteristics of physical nourishment provide a type or pattern with spiritual nourishment; appropriateness for a specific stage of maturity, quantity, quality, timing and frequency, etc. (1 Cor. 3:1; 14:20; Eph. 4:12, 13, 14; Heb. 5:13, 14; 1 Pet. 2:2; 1 John 2:13).Dr, Jim McGowan
62 Spiritual Anatomy - Part 3 Session 5
2/26/2017Review and SummationGod will use the things that take place in the physical realm to have an impact on us in the spiritual realm (James 1:2; Rom. 8:28-29).James 1:2Consider it all joy, my brethren, when you encounter various trials,Romans 8:28–2928 And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose. 29 For those whom He foreknew, He also predestined to become conformed to the image of His Son, so that He would be the firstborn among many brethren;Review and SummationGod will use the things that take place in the physical realm to have an impact on us in the spiritual realm (James 1:2; Rom. 8:28-29).Our perspective on and spiritually insightful response to those physical circumstances can have a big impact on whether God’s intent for those physical events and circumstances have the desired spiritual outcome, or not.Dr, Jim McGowan
63 Spiritual Anatomy - Part 3 Session 5
2/26/2017Review and SummationOur senses in the spiritual realm are intended by God to be fully functional. This is dependent upon our consistent, unbroken, fellowship with the Lord, and our intake of, and correct understanding of, God’s Word.It is possible for one or more of our physical senses to be in decline or be diminished in capacity, but to have our spiritual senses improving in utility and function at the same time.Review and SummationOur senses in the spiritual realm are intended by God to be fully functional, and the functionality of those senses depend upon our fellowship with the Lord, our intake of and correct understanding of God’s word.It is possible for one or more of our physical senses to be in decline or be diminished in capacity, but to have our spiritual senses improving in utility and function at the same time.Dr, Jim McGowan
64 Spiritual Anatomy - Part 3 Session 5
2/26/2017Review and SummationWhat God is doing in the life of the believer will indeed involve physically based processes and events, but the ultimate intent is for spiritual impact.Through careful, consistent, and diligent study of Scripture, the Holy Spirit reveals what those physically based processes are, and how they are to impact us.Review and SummationWhat God is doing in the life of the believer will indeed involve physically based processes and events, but the ultimate intent is for spiritual impact.Through careful, consistent, and diligent study of Scripture, the Holy Spirit reveals what those physically based processes are, and how they are to impact us.Dr, Jim McGowan
65 Spiritual Anatomy - Part 3 Session 5
2/26/2017Review and SummationUltimately all the processes that God carries out in our lives, whether originating from the physical or the spiritual realms, are intended to change the Continuing Person of the believer to prepare him for life in the Spiritual Realm.Review and SummationUltimately all the processes that God carries out in our lives, whether originating from the physical or the spiritual realms, are intended to change the Continuing Person of the believer to prepare him for life in the Spiritual Realm.Dr, Jim McGowan
66 Spiritual Anatomy - Part 3 Session 5
2/26/2017Review and SummationRemember, although it will experience a thousand years of considerable release from the curse of the Fall, when all things are summed up in Christ; (Eph. 1:9-10), this present Physical Realm is ultimately terminal.Scripture promises that God will exchange this present heaven and earth for a new one (cf. 2 Cor. 2:14-16; 4:4; Eph. 1:18-19a; 4:19; Heb. 5:11-14; 1 Pet. 2:1-3). This is the reason for our spiritual preparation now!Review and SummationRemember, although it will experience a thousand years of considerable release from the curse of the Fall when all things are summed up in Christ; (Eph. 1:9-10), this present Physical Realm is ultimately terminal.Scripture promises that God will exchange this present heaven and earth for a new one (cf. 2 Cor. 2:14-16; 4:4; Eph. 1:18-19a; 4:19; Heb. 5:11-14; 1 Pet. 2:1- 3).Dr, Jim McGowan
67 Spiritual Anatomy - Part 3 Session 5
2/26/2017Session 5 OutlineSpiritual Anatomy Part 3Review Session 4 ConceptsPhysical Realm vs. Spiritual RealmIntroductionMisunderstanding TermsCorrectly Understanding TermsSpiritual Realm vs. Physical RealmThe 5 Senses – A Biblical AnalogyProper Nourishment For GrowthReview and SummationSession 5 OutlineDr, Jim McGowan