which he sang to the LORD concerning Cush, a Benjamite"
(Ps 7:0).
Forest Gump said that life is like a box of chocolate.
But I think a better analogy is that life is like the book of Psalms. While we know their is intelligent life behind the structure and ordering of the book as a whole, the juxtaposition of the individual psalms can feel like a cacophony of irreconcilable melodies.
In Psalm 7:2, David cries to God for help from those who pursue him like a ravenous lion.
In Psalm 8:7-9, David praises God for giving him rule over ALL the beasts of the field (lions obviously included). From one perspective, these back to back psalms appear to be contradictory.
From another, they offer us a picture of a person who is completely honest with God about his struggles,
yet refuses to allow his day-to-day experiences
diminish his biblical theology!
The world is not as it should be today, but praise be to the almighty God, it will be! "O LORD, our Lord, How majestic is Your name in all the earth!" (Ps 8:9).