The “daughter of Zion”
is mentioned several times in the Old Testament, usually in
prophecy and once in poetry.
"Zion” meant Jerusalem and, later,
Israel as the people of God.
“Daughter of Zion,”
does not refer to a specific person.
It’s a
metaphor for Israel
and the
loving, caring, patient relationship
God has with
His chosen people
As a representation of the people of Israel,
the daughter of Zion
is described in several different situations:
2 Kings 19:21:
A people confident in the
deliverance of their God.
When Assyria threatened Jerusalem, King Hezekiah went to the Lord.
In response,
God sent Isaiah to reassure Hezekiah that Jerusalem
not fall to Assyria,
and God considered the threatening insult to
"the virgin daughter of Zion”
as a
personal affront to Himself.
Isaiah 1:8:
A hut, abandoned after judgment came to an evil family.
Here, Isaiah compares
the rebellion of Judah to a
sick body in a devastated land.
The daughter of Zion
is left as a lone remnant--
a shelter hidden in the
vineyard or a hut in a cucumber field that
escaped destruction.
Jeremiah 4:31:
A woman in labor,
helpless before attackers.
The steadfastness of Hezekiah was rare in Judah--
most kings encouraged rebellion against God
instead of loyalty to God.
Jeremiah warns that if the nation does not turn away from evil,
God will punish them severely.
And the people will be helpless against it--
as helpless as a woman in labor.
Isaiah 62:11:
A people
awaiting salvation.
After the punishment of exile,
God promises restoration to Israel.
He will rejoice over His chosen people again.
And in verse 11,
He promises the daughter of Zion,
“Lo, your salvation comes;
behold His reward is with Him,
and His recompense before Him.”
Micah 4:13:
A bull that
threshes his enemies.
In verse 10,
God warns that
daughter of Zion
will suffer as much as a
woman in labor.
But in verse 13,
He promises vengeance.
The weak,
powerless woman will
a bull with horns of iron and
hoofs of
bronze that will
crush its enemies.
Zechariah 9:9:
A land awaiting its king.
This prophecy
promises Israel’s enemies
will be destroyed,
but also speaks about a more permanent
solution to the problem of sin.
“Rejoice greatly,
O daughter of Zion!
Should in triumph,
O daughter of Jerusalem!
Behold, your king is coming to you;
he is just and endowed with salvation,
humble, and mounted on a donkey,
even on a colt,
the foal of a donkey.”
Despite the
consistent rebellion
of the
daughter of Zion
against her Father,
He promises to restore her and present her
with a Deliverer-King
in the
form of Jesus.
Daughter implies that
God is a loving father.
He cherishes and loves His people,
even while they reject Him.
By using the metaphor “daughter of Zion,”
God showed how He felt for the
rebellious Israelites:
frustrated, angry, but
with an eye to the future
when the
relationship would be restored,
and He could once again return
to them
welcome them into His arms
(Zechariah 2:10).