March 8, 2023 | John 2:1–12
Several years ago, I studied the biblical
record of
beginning to end
I looked at every passage where she is mentioned
and traced her path as a
woman, mother, and then disciple of her own son
Despite her extraordinary role in
God’s redemptive plan,
she was also utterly human.
was likely serving at the
Cana wedding,
which Jesus and His disciples were attending.
Cana was not far from Nazareth, so it might
have been the
marriage of a family member or close friend
Weddings were important events in
Jewish community life and often lasted for several days.
The standard for hospitality was high, so when the host ran out of wine,
it would have been humiliating.
Mary stepped up with some creative problem solving
She went to Jesus and told Him, "They have no more wine”
The subtext was that he should do something about it.
She knew
He could perform a miracle
She was ready for the public display
His power;
Jesus was not. Jesus’ response of “woman” may sound
disrespectful in English, but it was simply a formal address.
Mary’s request had presumed upon Jesus as her son, so He
respectfully redefined their relationship yet again.
He would not act under her
but only in submission to God.
Some sort of silent communication
must have passed
between them though. Maybe a look or a nod, because, despite
Jesus’ response, Mary instructed the servants to do
everything Jesus said. Then Jesus told the servants
to fill six stone jars with water and turned it into 120
gallons of the
Best wedding wine
John called this event
sign through which he revealed his
Through it, Jesus was doing more than merely
displaying His power He also
revealed His identity,
and His disciples responded with faith
As we continue our study, we will see many of the women respond to
Jesus in faith. Pray that your own faith would be strengthened
as you witness their
transforming encounters with our Savior
Pray with Us
Lord, as we make our requests to You, we remember that You are
the God of the universe.
We therefore make our requests humbly, with deference to
Your will,
secure in knowing that You listen with
wisdom and love