this miraculously happens every few weeks,
I'll be back later if God turns it on again because
texting on an apple device
driving is dangerous
Sometimes you feel like Parenting, and
sometimes you don't
5. 21. 23
Parenting Day Seminar
open data entry positions
Mission Israel
New Wine at the party, we aren't boring
Spiritual Seed
3 days later, he rose
3 weeks after
spiritual, occurs in physical 5.40
matt 5 17, John 5.40
The law, prophets and writings
in the
century might look a lot like
data entry....
Parenting tools and support groups
for students with
special needs and learning differences
Excuse me, driver,
The Parable of the Sower
was told to the crowd that had gathered around Jesus.
Jesus tells the story of a sower who scattered seeds on
four different types of soil.
The first type of ground was hard and
the seed could not sprout or grow at all and became snatched up instantly.
The second type of ground was stony.
The seed was able to plant and begin to grow, however, it could not grow deep roots and withered in the sun.
The third type of ground was thorny and although the seed could plant
and grow, it could not compete
with the number of thorns that overtook it.
The fourth ground was good soil that allowed the seed to plant deep,
grow strong, and produce fruit.
Whats An apple spy?
Have you ever?
Have you ever gone to a church
institution where there is a long,
tangled hierarchy system
of climbing a ladder to
important leadership?
have you ever experienced slander,
deceit, and fraud?
Have you ever had your
privacy unwillingly exploited?
Have you ever gone to a church where
you've emailed
and called pastors and church leaders several times with
no response or communication back?
Perhaps even your own parents have called that institution
with only receiving lies in return?
You begged for a response from
this church institution
as you watched your own
mother weep in your fathers arms?
Have you ever worked really hard and strenuously on
Gods calling in your life
for a year for a group of people or cause,
never were paid, recognized, or seen?
Have you ever had such profound experiences with the
living Christ,
known him like you know yourself
after a
lifetime of ministry and discipleship,
only to be then invited to a church by
working your way from the
What if none of it is biblically sound?
what if money called the shots?
what is a web of deception?
Did you ever feel
the pain of putting God before family?
Have you ever been so devastated that
you have
no answers
for your family, when they are the
only ones
who support you and
step in?
Have you ever felt months and months of persecution
for your
god given identity
while simultaneously
feeling like an
unpaid full time slave?
Have you ever wondered why you've
warned the driver
40 times
that the exit was coming,
only to be
Can you imagine how
irritated a slave would
What is idolatry?
Have you ever been excommunicated from a church
and not given any explanation as to why?
Have you ever been given this direction from leadership with
no biblical training?
Have you been forced to speak to a doctor from a family member
who doesn't t understand
this "religion" thing?
And Had no one to back you up that could
I've been on this journey
a long time.
I grew up with my best friends
Jewish family,
I've seen religious persecution from
many different angles
from groups of people who are
sheltered and unaware.
I have decades of life experience
biblical study
initiated on my own need to
find the
because I wanted answers as to why Jews and Christian's
view the world
different lenses
I've seen tears, I've heard slurs, I've seen
hate symbols
spray painted at Jewish
summer kids camps.
I've lit the candles, heard
Holocaust surviver family members stories,
seen the heritage, history and pain.
I saw my best friend hurt and persecuted, and
I wanted to know
what I really believed.
It took decades of study.
But eventually, like Paul,
I had a life shattering
hit you in
the face meeting with
living Christ
I know who he is, I hear what he says,
I know where he's going,
I follow him.
My calling
is to do the will of my father,
it's not about our behavior,
its about what god does
through us for
revealed glory
Scripture says to put god first, I always thought
that was crazy,
obviously family comes first.
One of my greatest life challenges to navigate has been
parenting a child with special needs, there are
no manuals.
But then at certain times such as this,
there's a compelling,
divine force
that takes control in your life.
I heard a funny joke from a pastor just last week and I must say,
it rings
context is everything.
here's the joke...
"Jesus loves you"
means something different to your daughter, than it
would in a Mexican Prison.
I grew up pretty privileged with the most
amazing, generous, gracious,
loving, supportive family in the world
We weren't religious.
After I graduated art school,
at age 21
I started teaching high school in a very different climate
than I had ever been exposed to. It was southwest Florida,
and it was early November.
I was the 4th teacher
to take the art teaching position
3 hired teachers has already quit in just 2 months.
I had zero training or experience, and
taught for three years.
It was a war zone.
I can confidently say it took
the cake
for the
call of feet washing.
And I wouldn't have traded it for anything,
it taught me the
true value
of a
transformative spirit
back to the point about context...
I was teaching high school art. I had 165 students every day,
7 different
subject classes with different lesson planning and accommodations,
all compromised
with a variety of students from different
cultures, languages, abilities, motivation, etc..
These kids were poor.
Most were immigrants and spoke little English.
When I heard the joke from above,
I distinctly remember my first year of teaching, at the moment
when I realized
an entire year had gone by and I was mispronouncing
Jesus name.
I had 100 names I could not pronounce, and
Jesus sounded
pretty good at the time. I'm pretty sure I wasn't pronouncing it correctly,
and the adorable kid never corrected me either.
it's a good name.
The job was really hard, yet priceless.
There was so much untapped potential
with these kids who
haven't had much education or experience before.
We discovered
gifts and talents
we learned each others cultures, we painted,
danced, listened to music, the kids
lit up
anew light
The undiscovered raw talent and
unseen vision was
mind blowing.
danced in the halls.
A few times desks were thrown
and strung out kids
ran down the halls banging their
heads on lockers.
I remember the time my 6th grade
Haitian student came to my desk
and told me he was bringing a gun to school to
shoot me.
I called his father to speak about
missing homework,
and the next day the boy came back with a
shaved head.
That's how the father dealt with homework.
Girls had been raped, many were homeless, or had just
over into the country.
To say surviving in these environments
is nothing short of a
miraculous intervention.
Want to talk bad about the teacher in front of her?
No problem, do it in Spanish.
Need lunch money? No problem,
steal from the teacher.
safe to say...
It was a Latino prison.
I had to adapt and assimilate into the culture to not
only survive,
but so the students could
all thrive.
Try managing a classroom with engaging learning instruction
with 40 kids in one class times 7 classes
ages 14 to 18
of every culture, language, ability, need, talent, skill, motivation,
and behavior.
I learned really fast this wasn't about art as it was a
miraculous game
of behavior management. each day was like
solving anew equation.
It was the most rewarding and fulfilling time of
my journey.
How do I keep these kids from not only
not killing each other, but thrive?
No one wanted the
I learned how to survive, preserve, and thrive.
It was Arts Integration
That facilitated a gateway portal
for me to
effectively engage these kids.
They needed to be taught in a diverse way
diverse thinkers could
all learn and
They needed visuals, music, dance,
culture, imagery, color, and
evolving objectives.
They needed
multi sensory, interconnecting concepts
that bring a
unifying subject matter together
for a
comprehensive visual
truly sink
It was successful if no one got
shot first.
And, that is how you teach scripture as well, school for the streets,
connecting classes.
likewise, for kids such as these, your mommas bible class likely
won't fly, and the kids that
need it won't soar.
will not reach the kids who need the
gospel the most
because they deserve sound doctrine and the opportunity to
know the
living savior.
They need the proper tools and freedom to fly.
This is why we can not cut the Gospel off from
the ones who need it the most,
we have to
accurately divide the word of truth,
reject heresy,
not block every doorway
to these kids full potential
because of
religious traditions, self interest, and
man made rules.
Promoting a false doctrine
is a
disservice to the people
who most need it.
The self righteous don't need Jesus, sinners need a savior.
That's the Gospel
The homeless don't need clothes and food
they need the gospel
they need the saving power of the living word of god
they need
the truth
needs to be taught and understood,
and as
disciples of Christ,
we have a responsibility to do just that.
anything else
defeats the
Next time I go to
Starbucks in Fishers
I'll be sure to tell
the privileged high school barista
raising holy hands
in the
Name of Jesus