are like being
Down to a heavy rock in the ocean
Remember how Peter was specifically Tied to the Cross
In his upside-down crucifixion?
Something was upside down with how he was
following Jesus and denied the truth
Lies certainly don't always mean we have a bad heart
or bad intentions
(perhaps the opposite- Peter loved Jesus with all his heart-
he just needed to trust that Jesus would save him, and
walk on water hand in hand)
or even that they aren't sometimes the source for
God's purpose through us
Just as God manifests in different ways among the spectrum
to achieve his purposes through us, he uses
the same way. That is why we are called to study
-the word-
truth is a lifeboat
"After they had preached the gospel to that city
and had made many disciples,
they returned to Lystra and to Iconium and to Antioch,
strengthening the souls of the disciples, encouraging them
to continue in the faith, and saying,
'Through many tribulations
we must enter the kingdom of God'"
(Acts 14:21-22).
The prosperity gospel, in its attempt to persuade believers to
proclaim a reality that does
not exist
in the name of faith,
actually weakens
biblical faith.
How often I meet believers who are convinced they are guilty for all their tribulations. Why? Because obviously they don't have enough faith to claim their sorrows away.
How odd it is to read, however, that
Paul and Barnabas
"strengthened the souls of the disciples"
by telling them the
to the kingdom of God is paved with
"many tribulations."
Paul is not preaching a gospel of works—i.e.,
The Way
to be Saved is by Experiencing Trials.
Rather, he is
painting a picture of biblical reality.
Tears are part and parcel of the Christian life.
But hang on,
for the only tears permitted in the kingdom of God will be
tears of joy!
Painting a true picture
of reality actually frees believers from
doubting their own faith,
and encourages them to trust God
through difficult times,
knowing that one day our heavenly Father will receive
us into his kingdom with a big hug and a
golden box of tissues
fragranced with the aromas of heaven.
"Beloved, do not be surprised at
the fiery ordeal among you,
which comes upon you for your
as though some strange thing were happening to you;
but to the degree that
you share the sufferings of Christ,
keep on rejoicing,
so that also at
The revelation
His glory!:)
you may rejoice with exultation"
what God has planned for all of eternity is
so much greater
(1 Pet 4:12-13).